From Project Header menu, select Manage R Packages.
Type in aws.s3 and click install.
Once it's done, it shows "successfully installed" message.
Click the plus button next to Data Frames and select R Script.
Below example explains a way to import multiple CSV files whose name looks like "<some_string>_sample.csv" as a single data frame from a AWS S3 Bucket.
csvs <- get_bucket_df("your_bucket", max= Inf) %>% filter(str_detect(Key, "sample.*\\.csv$"))
map_df(csvs$Key, function(key){
read_csv(get_object(key, bucket = "your_bucket", as = "text"))
Make sure to set AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key, Region, and Bucket with appropriate values. If your bucket contains more than 1,000 files, you want to pass Max = Inf
as the argument of get_bucket_df
Click Save to save it as a data frame.