Land Use Analysis


What countries have the most Co2 emitting areas?

Are the Co2 emitting areas increasing in number overtime?


This data is about the overall usage of land. Whether it is Forest land, Cropland, Grassland, or land for Burning Biomass. The data also outlines whether the land is emitting Co2 or removing it.

First, I want to see what kind of effect each type of land has.


Here I can see that Biomass is the only land that is responsible for Co2 emissions.

I can also see that Forest land is mainly responisble for C02 removal.

Now that I know which area is responisble for what, I want to see which area covers more land. In order to do that I am going to use a bar chart to see which land is greater in quantity.


Unfortunatly Burning Biomass areas, which emit the most Co2, are the most abundant.

I am curious, which countries have the most Burning Biomass land.

It appears that there are quite a few countries that have a lot of Burning Biomass land.

These are the countries with the highest number of Burning Biomass land.

Japan and America make it on to this list, unfortunately.

There are a couple that contain only Burning Biomass areas. three out of seven of these are Chinese provinces.

It appears that evey country except for the Channel Islands has quite a bit of Burning Biomass areas.

Even though there are a lot of Burning Biomass areas, I want to know if the areas are increasing or decreasing in number over time?


Number of Burning Biomass areas overtime.

It looks like the Burning Biomass areas increased until 1996 where they plateaued and then decreased in 2001. They then plateaued again in 2002 .

They are not increasing, however, there is still a large amount of them.


  • There are more than 60 countries that make up the majority (almost every country contributes, unfortunately). of Burning Biomass land, which is the only land that emits Co2.

  • The Channel islands is the only place that is made up of only Forest land.

  • Three of the stricly ‘Burning Biomass land’ countries include and belong to China.

  • There is a lot of Burning Biomass land, but it appears to be staying constant overtime; it is not increasing.