Customer Churn Analysis


What are the characteristics of people who are churning?


Loyal customers will be older and have simple plans, and the customers with a higher churn rate will be younger with higher bills.



Out of those who are senior citizens more than half churned or dropped thier contract. 476 out of 666. What were the characteristics of their phone plans? I want to look at boruta in analytics to see the variables relevant to senior citizens.


Their monthy charges have the most importance, so I want to see how monthly charges compare to non senior citizens.


They have higher monthly charges than non senior citizens do. What services do senior citizens use that cause them to have higher monthly charges?


Internet service, Tech support and streaming movies are the top three varriables responsible for their monthy charges.


Senior Citizens have the highest churn numbers. They also have the highest monthly charges due to, internet service, Tech support, and movie streaming.