This bar chart presents the number of institutions in each state. Of these, New York State has the largest number of colleges and universities with 122, and theming has the smallest with 1. It can be claimed that there are wide disparities in education resources in different districts.
We can see that in most regions, private institutions are more than public institutions.s Nevertheless, the Rocky Mountain region is the exception, which has 7 more public institutions than private.
This line chart demonstrates tuition change in different regions. As we can see from this Line chart, the slope of the tuition increase trend is not too different across districts, although starting tuition varies widely by district. NYU tuition increase trend in line with the overall trends, but starts from 40K, which is far from Mid East 21.8K.
These ring chart shows the situation of research doctoral degrees offered. It it shown that schools offering research doctoral degrees are still in the minority and there is also obvious difference among regions. For example, southwestern region has largest percent of offering research doctoral degrees. And the second one is far west.
This ring chart illustrates the percentage of distribution of schools in regions with different degrees of urbanization. It can be know that large city and suburb have largest percentages.
We can see that public Universities tend to have more students that private universities. Chart color by sector of institution has the same distribution characteristics, except that the median bachelor's degree is very close.
This map visualization demonstrate the size of student enrollment per state. We can see that overall more student enrolled in the east than in the west. Belonging to the first tier are the states of New York and California.
When map by zipcode, we can see that the closer it get to the east the more institutions there are, and there is a clear regional disparity in higher education resources.
This heat map represent the relationship and distribution of geographical setting and types of university. We can know that Master's colleges and universities are most common in large city and large suburb. And remote rural regions lake all kinds of institutions.
This radar chart depicts how private group and public group base in 5 dimensions. We can know that public institutions have more students and applicants in all dimensions. In these dimensions, total enrollment and graduate enrollment have the smallest difference and undergraduate enrollment has the largest difference.