How to Import Weather Data

You can quickly import historical weather data from Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) stations (airports) in the whole world thanks to the Iowa Environment Mesonet.

Here's how.

Preview Data

Select 'Cloud Apps' from the Data Frame menu.

Select 'Weather'.

Country or State

Select Country.

Note that for the United States you want to select State as Country.

Weather Station ID

Select Station ID. The weather stations are usually located at airports so basically you will end up selecting one of the airport name that is close to the locaiton of your interest.

Start and End Dates

You can set the Start Date and the End Date to limit the weather data. If you don't enter any values for these it will return the last 3 months of data.

Default Values:

  • Start Date: 3 months ago
  • End Date: today


Optionally, you can change the timezone to fit your need. It's set to your local timezone by default.

You can click on the Run button to preview the data.

Import Data

If the preview data looks good, then click on the 'Save' button at the right hand side bottom.

Weather data in Summary View

Weather data in Table View

Data Dictionary

Export Chart Image
Output Format
Set background transparent
Width (Pixel)
Height (Pixel)
Pixel Ratio