Introduction to Scatter Chart

Here's how you can quickly create a Scatter chart.

Sample Data

We'll use this Employee Data. You can download it from this page.

1. Create a Scatter Chart

Select 'Scatter (No Aggregation)' chart and assign 'TotalWorkingYears' column to X-Axis and 'MonthlyIncome' column to Y-Axis.

Each dot represents each row, in this case, that is each employee.

We can see some degree of correlation between these two variables.

2. Draw Trend Line

We can draw a trendline so that we can which direction the relationship is heading to.

Select 'Trend Line' from the Y-Axis menu.

We can select 'Linear Regression' to draw a straighline that goes middle of the line.

This 'Linear Regression' option draws a straight line so that the distance between the line and all the dots are minimum.

3. Assign Color

You can use Color to create groups based on a given column values.

In the above case, we have assigned 'Job Role' column to the Color. This gives each job role a unique color and draws the trend line for each group.

If you want to have one single trend line for all the employees you can select 'All' for the Target property.

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