You can import both local and remote JSON File Data quickly.
If you select local, file picker shows up so select a file to import.
if you select remote, small dialog shows up so enter a URL for the file. Enter either json file URL or REST API endpoint URL that returns JSON as response.
JSON Tree and Preview sections are same for both local and remote.
Select node on JSON Tree.
On the left hand side, you an see JSON Tree and you can select red table icon for importing data.
You can configure the following properties for the JSON Tree.
On top of input parameters, you can also use checkboxes on the preview table to include/exclude columns. if you uncheck the checkboxes on the columns, these columns are excluded when you save the data.
Select red table node on the tree (or Click Get Data button) to see the data in JSON File (or REST API). If it looks ok, then you can click 'Import' to import the JSON data into Exploratory.