When you are exploring data by using the chart and/or the analytics sometimes you find interesting insights and want to note them down before you forget. Keeping this type of notes will help you later to quickly put together a report with all the insights you have collected.
So, we have added Comment feature for Chart and Analytics to do just that!
Just click on the ‘Comment’ icon at the right-hand side top of the chart and write down your findings.
Once you have entered the comment you can see the comment in ‘Preview’ mode by placing the mouse over on the comment icon.
But the coolest thing is, you can see the comment along with the chart thumbnail image when you move the mouse over on the chart tab.
Here, I’m placing the mouse over on the other chart tab so that I can quickly browse through the chart tabs to find the one I’m looking for.
You can also format the comment text by using Markdown. 🔥
Here, I’m making ‘California’ as bold and also using bullet points.
And this is how they would look in the preview.
After you have done the data exploration, now it’s time to put a report together.
You can insert the chart or the analytics along with the comment you have created.
Inside Note, click on the chart icon.
Inside the chart picker dialog, select the chart you want to insert into the Note.
Clicking the OK button will drop the chart along with the comment! 🔥
When you have created a bunch of charts sometimes it’s hard to find the one you’re looking for.
Now, you can search for it by typing letters in the search box that would match a part of the comment text.
That’s it!
Comment for Analytics
All the comment related features are supported for Analytics as well.
And you will see the comment along with the chart thumbnail image when you place the mouse over the analytics tab.