Online Seminar #25 - Introduction to Time Series Forecasting with Prophet

We have done the introductory seminar about a year ago (Link), but since then we have added many features so it's time to refresh!

In this session, Kan is going to introduce the basics of 'Time Series Forecasting with Prophet' feature and cover the following topics.


Here is the recorded video.


Here is the slides that I used for this seminar.


First, huge credit goes to Sean J. Taylor, Benjamin Letham, and co., the authors of Prophet package. This package and the algorithm literally have revolutionalized the world of Time Series Forecasting, have made it possible for many people without deep background in the forecasting to get into the field and use it to help making their business decisions. Thank you!

  • Prophet Home Page - Link
  • Prophet Github Repository - Link
  • Prophet - R Package at CRAN - Link